~~~ JDP Travel Bloggs ~~~ — 2009

Sapa Sanctuary

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Sapa Sanctuary

VIETNAM (SEP 2009) I invited several of my friends to come with me on a bike trip to see the sights of Vietnam, after spending some time in the southern parts of the country, we travelled north to Hanoi, we arrived in Hanoi at about 4.00am in the morning on the train from Hue (Central Vietnam, pronounced “way”), which I might add was a story in itself, but we did arrive safely despite being very tired, cranky, sore & hungry.  Anyway I had previously arranged to hire some motor bikes & a guide from a local motorbike business to take...

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Bac Ha Bingle

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Bac Ha Bingle

VIETNAM (SEP 2009) Our group of four had been in Vietnam for about a week when we arrived in Hanoi, the “northern capital” of Vietnam, where we hired motorbikes to go on a ride up through the north lands of Vietnam, the vistas & culture were fantastic, such a beautiful place that just made the ride that much more special, any way we had ridden through all sorts of weather including dust, mud & rain, and even a typhoon, so we thought that we had seen our fair share of dramas, but this was not to be the case! We...

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The Train Ride

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The Train Ride

VIETNAM (SEP 2009) I had planned a trip to Vietnam with a number of friends, four of us in total, I had spent many day & hours planning the trip, searching the web for places of interest to visit throughtout Vietnam, keeping in mine the various timeframes and places that we had to be on certain dates during our visit.  As I do my planning I always feel that we can rest when we get back, so I like to fill as many hours as possible doind as many things as we can, this of course leads to a very...

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